

ServiceM8™ is a dynamic player in the field of smart job management software, specifically tailored for contractors and service businesses. Positioned as a solution to cut through paperwork and boost operational efficiency, ServiceM8™ empowers businesses to handle more jobs with superior service quality.

At its core, ServiceM8™ offers a robust suite of features aimed at managing jobs and staff effectively, facilitating on-site quoting and invoicing, and enabling seamless integration with accounting packages. Their platform is designed to help businesses thrive and boasts an ability to help users complete 30% more work within the first three months, coupled with streamlined payment processes for quicker invoicing and cash flow.

In addition to their high-performance software, ServiceM8™ champions ongoing improvement and optimization, especially for Apple devices, ensuring an exceptional and easy user experience. They offer simple and transparent pricing with various plans to suit the size and scope of any business, bolstered by a no-contract policy.
